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Lightweight Task Scheduling Library for .NET / Silverlight

January 9th, 2010

I’m currently working on VFS, a virtual file system. For running transfers, VFS internally maintains locks that do have expiration time. Accordingly, I found myself in need for a job scheduling mechanism in order to properly release expired locks. I looked around for a few alternatives, but eventually ended up writing my own lightweight version.


  • Simple scheduling and callback mechanisms
  • Silverlight compatible
  • Lightweight
  • Fluent API
  • Detection of system time changes with optional rescheduling
  • Optional forwarding of exceptions during job execution
  • Open Source (Ms-PL)


Download library and sample

Current Version: 1.0.2, 2010.01.12


What Does it Do?

Basically, the library allows you to create a job, and submit that job to a scheduler, along with a callback action. This callback action is invoked as soon (or every time) the job is due.

Before going into the details, here’s a first code snippet that creates a simple Job that is supposed to run repeatedly (every 1.5 seconds) for a minute. Once the job is created, it is submitted to a Scheduler instance which processes the job and makes sure the submitted callback action is being invoked every time the job is due:

private Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler();

public void RunOnce()
  //define a start / end time
  DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5);
  DateTime endTime   = startTime.AddSeconds(60);

  //configure the job
  Job consoleJob = new Job();

  //submit the job with the callback to be invoked
  scheduler.SubmitJob(consoleJob, j => Console.Out.WriteLine("hello world"));



The project provides class libraries for .NET 3.5 and Silverlight 3, along with a Silverlight sample application that shows how to add scheduling functionality to your SL application with just a few lines of code.

While long-term scheduling isn’t probably something you need to do in a Silverlight application, the scheduler simplifies the management of periodic jobs, such as polling a server for updates. Below is a snippet from the Silverlight sample application. This job starts immediately, and runs indefinitely with an interval of 2 seconds:

private void CreateJob2()
  //create job
  Job<int> job = new Job<int>("Job 2");
  job.Data = 0;

  //submit to scheduler
  scheduler.SubmitJob(job, LogJobExecution);

private void LogJobExecution(Job<int> job, int data)
  //updates user interface






A job is a simple configuration item for the scheduler. There’s two built-in job types: Job and Job<T>. The only difference between the two is that the latter provides a Data property which allows you to attach state information directly to the job and have it delivered back to you when the job runs.

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Announcing VFS, the Virtual File System

December 29th, 2009

I’ve been working on a new project of mine for a while now, and opened the project at CodePlex: VFS, the Virtual File System, is basically an abstraction to arbitrary hierarchical resources, which can be handled like a file system.

VFS comes with a set of file system providers and clients (including Silverlight support), and allows you to easily write your own providers (e.g. to expose the contents of a ZIP file on a remote server). Additional offerings are flexible security (e.g. to access your Azure blobs via VFS in order to plug-in a custom authorization scheme), auditing and reliable file transfers.

VFS is currently in early Alpha, but I’m working full steam ahead. Comments and wish lists are appreciated! For a more detailed introduction and a few code snippets, visit the project home:



Author: Categories: Open Source, VFS Tags:

Convert WCF Service Exceptions into Faults using Lambdas

December 8th, 2009

Interoperability in WCF is a great thing, but it requires us to rethink our exception handling strategy: The simple paradigm of throwing exceptions whenever something goes wrong doesn’t cut it with distributed systems.

Thankfully, WCF allows us to communicate errors (or faults) through FaultExceptions. We can just convert internal exceptions into a FaultException, and WCF will take care about everything else. However: This conversion strategy is tedious and error prone, especially if you want to do more sophisticated exception handling. Even a simplified example as the one below mainly consists of exception handling code:

//Simplified example
public string Foo(string userName)
  catch(ArgumentException e)
    //convert exception into a WCF friendly FaultException
    throw new FaultException("Info about specific error");
  catch(Exception e)
    //convert exception into a WCF friendly FaultException
    throw new FaultException("Info about unspecific error");


I’m currently finding myself having to write a set of WCF services, and I didn’t want to go through try/catch blocks all the time just in order to wrap up the same exceptions over and over again. Accordingly, I wrote helper methods that do the exception handling for me.

  • SecureAction is used by service methods that do not have a return value.
  • SecureFunc<T> is used by service methods that do have a return value.

These helper methods allow me to easily delegate the exception handling from all my service methods, and if anything goes wrong, I can trust that the internal exception is safely converted into a FaultException. Here’s is the rewritten Foo method from above, now remarkably smaller:

public string Foo(string userName)
  return SecureFunc(() => Bar.FooBar(userName));


Below is the (simplified) snippet with the helper methods. Do note that the above sample methods are just starting points. My productive helper methods provide a more sophisticated exception handling than shown above (they build detailed FaultContracts which are specific to my application) and come with a few overloads.

Furthermore, you might think about adding additional parameters to your helper methods (such as fault IDs) in order to customize the generated faults.

public static void SecureAction(Action action)
  catch (Exception e)
    //productive code provides more specific
    //exception handling, but you should get the idea...
    throw new FaultException(e.Message);

public static T SecureFunc<T>(Func<T> func)
    return func();
  catch (Exception e)
    //productive code provides more specific
    //exception handling, but you should get the idea...
    throw new FaultException(e.Message);
Author: Categories: C#, WCF Tags:

NetDrives 1.0.2 Released

December 7th, 2009

I just released a minor update for NetDrives, which fixes an issue that caused settings not to be persisted correctly. NetDrives is a Windows utility that helps you manage your network shares and mapped network drives.




Download and further infos:

Author: Categories: NetDrives, Open Source, WPF Tags:

SLF Hands-on Tutorial, Part 1

December 2nd, 2009


This is an introductory tutorial on SLF, the Simple Logging Façade. This tutorial covers the basics, which will be all you’ll ever need in most projects. I’m planning on writing a second tutorial that will show custom factories and resolvers soon.

Downloading SLF

To get started, visit and download the latest release. Source code is available as a Visual Studio 2008 solution, but if you’re working with VS2005, there’s also precompiled binaries for .NET 2.0 available (.NET 1.0 or 1.1 is not supported).

Sample Projects

SLF comes with a lot of samples, all organized as independent projects that discuss a specific use case. As you will see, most scenarios only require a few lines of code. We are planning to extend this section over time, based on your feedback.




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Author: Categories: SLF Tags: ,

An Introduction to SLF, the Simple Logging Façade

December 2nd, 2009


Release days are good days – Colin Eberhardt and I are very happy to announce SLF 1.0!

SLF is a framework with a simple but ambitious mission: To provide every developer with the means to easily plug in logging functionality into her application. As such, it aims at two fundamental goals:

  1. Simplicity: SLF allows you to plug in solid logging functionality into your application with literally one line of code, while providing you with an upgrade path to complex logging scenarios at any time.
  2. Flexibility: SLF provides you with a common interface that decouples the logging framework of your choice (e.g. log4net or NLog)  from your code. This eliminates dependencies on a given framework, thus allowing you to switch (or even combine!) frameworks at any time. Furthermore, SLF’s modular architecture allows you to plug-in custom logging strategies very easily.

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Author: Categories: C#, Open Source, SLF Tags: ,